Become the best version of yourself: alive, aware and creative.


It is not about finding yourself…
it is about creating yourself

I have realized that after years of practice and going deeper and deeper in my own journey. I want to support others to unlock their true potential. You are already there, you don`t need to find anything. The work to do is to pill the layers that are hiding your true potential. After we drop the false beliefs and open ourselves for the new, then we can choose what is that best version of ourselves we want to create. 
And I`m here for you, to offer you my best tools, to hold space for your process and to encourage you to go deeper. 

During my one-a-one sessions, in person or online, we will start a journey towards identifying the unbalances and stagnancies, what is that that is holding you back to be your fully alive self. And then we create a plan, balancing the feminine and masculine energies, bringing in the Yang qualities to create a structure where we can flow freely and explore all the layers, using meditation, breathwork and reflexive techniques.

Wanna know more? Book a 20min free session with me 🙂      

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