Expanding self-consciousness and the ability of inner dialogue.


Exploring the universe within

Meditation is not about calming your mind and find peace, this is a consequence of a more harmonious life within yourself.  The process of meditation is about exploring an unknowing world inside ourselves, discovering blockages, layers of our subconscious mind and dissolve separation. It is the full alignment between physical, emotional and energetical bodies.  Meditation is a path to bring us back to wholeness, bring us back home.


Finding stillness trough movement. By bringing the presence to the body and movement it is easier to observe the mind. Active Meditation is one of the most effective techniques to grow awareness around your inner dialogue, as well as release past repressed emotions and find the space of witness inside yourself. There are multiple techniques always practiced in stages, movement and silent stages. Each of the meditations can support your processes according different needs:

– reducing stress
– working on first chakra – safety and grounding, 
– working on second chakra – sexuality
– emotional release – inner child 
and more…

Session & Courses


Vipassana is an ancient technique that has helped millions of people to find the truth inside themselves, see the reality as it is. Vipassana is not the silent retreat as many people think. It is a meditation technique available for everyone. Learning Vipassana is gaining freedom inside, it is a process of going deep inside yourself, get rid of old patterns and beliefs. 

Though Vipassana practice and the ability to improve the presence to the sensations in the body, one can break relational dynamics that impact their life and relationships. Start seeing everything as a sensation, reducing cravings, dependence, or fear of loss. 

Sessions & Courses