Discover the power of your breath



Rebirthing Breathwork is a beautiful technique to connect ourselves with what is really our essence, using only the power of the breath!

In Rebirthing sessions a safe space and heart-centered is created to allow you to go deep inside yourself; to heal, transform and reconnect to our inner power.

During Rebirthing we use the conscious connected breath, connects the inhalation with the exhalation in a gentle, relaxed rhythm.

Through Rebirthing, you can bypass the rational mind and access isolated parts of yourself in need of healing and care. Through the connected breath, you can gently release the accumulated baggage of tensions, emotions, resistance, and patterns of the past, to restore your natural sense of wholeness and aliveness.

Benefits of Rebirthing Breathwork:
• cope with anxieties and depression
• cope with your insecurities and fears by reaching their root
• explore the dynamics of your mind-body relationship
• make peace, harmony and love easier to reach • one feels like a whole and complete being – supports DMT release in the brain
• balance your mind, body and emotions
• open space for more energy and vitality
• balance your chakra/energetic system
• release tension and stress
• tap into an alive and powerful part of yourself

Preparation – Opening the breath capacity 
Circular Breathing 

2hrs – 2,30min (per session)

online & in person (individual or group)

Book a session


This is a perfect combination for detoxing the body and mind. Guided Icebath is a super powerful TRANSFORMATIVE technique. 

By learning how to master and get in control of your breath patterns you can learn how to cope with uncomfortable situations, tap into the feeling and less in the judgment of the mind. When you learn how to do it in the ice, you gain a tool you can apply in your daily life.

Apart of mastering your nervous system, and emotional levels, Icebath is super beneficial for the body in general:
• Boost the immune system
• Helps fight inflammation in the body
• Aids with anxiety and stress
• Helps to move the lymphatic system and detox the body
• Reduces swelling in joints
• Supports hormonal balance
• Increases circulation
• Burns brown fat in the body
• Improves sleep
• A tremendous increase in life-force energy
• Ice Baths can boost confidence and determination, helping one rise above dysfunctional fears

Breathwork exercises – Preparing the body, relaxing the mind
Icebath Experience 

2hr30min  (per session)

in person (individual or group)

Book a session


Learning how to master your breath is taking control of your emotional and energetical states. You can notice when we have an strong emotion, usually the breath is the first reflection, we stop breathing, or we have a shallow fast breath. 

In this session I teach you breathwork exercises to restore, calm your nervous system and release trough the breath. Any emotion that is not fully felt or processed, can block our energetic flow in the physical level. In the long term it can reflect back as stress or even physical illnesses or diseases. 

The breath is everything, it is our inner medicine, our potential to heal and transform ourselves. 

Breathwork exercises 

2hrs (per session)

online & in person (individual or group)

Book a session